Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Hello World

I wanted to check in with everyone and see what's new? Please comment below.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Robb of the Day, 11.21.2010

Because nothing says ghetto-hipster more than Hipstamatic pics of my Chuck Taylors, taken with my iPod.

One day, I hope to be a full grown hipster, with a handlebar moustache and a real iPhone. One day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Robb of the Day, 11.17.2010

Picture = Hipstamatic.

Robb = gotta stay pretty.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rob of the Day, 11.14.2010

Want to first of all thank everyone for the enormous outpouring of support for my recent genital injury.

As you can see from the comments on that post, it wasn't traumatic for only me.

I may try to get Dan and Liv to migrate this over to Tumblr. I think the Google app for Blogger on iOS is pretty terrible, and because iPods don't have a dedicated hard disk, it won't let me search for pics to upload.

I'm sure there's some kind of work around, but I'm too lazy. If I can't do it from an app, I'm not interested.

So let's get on it boys! Move on to greener pastures!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Robb of the Day, 11.11.10

It's been a while, bitches.

I write this post to commemorate what will go down in history as a very important and tragic day.

I'm referring - of course - to the day that I, while at work attempting to use the restroom, got my penis stuck in my zipper. On the down zip.

I won't go into any detail about the event. Suffice to say that I freed myself from the zipper, and am on the road to recovery.

What a shock, to zip my cock.

The real surprise is that I was wearing boxers. They were supposed to be my last line of defense against cock-to zipper contact. somehow, maybe in the shuffling of pants, it slipped through the boxers and was resting against the zipper.

Well, as I say, I'm on the road to recovery. I only hope that I, and the rest of our great nation, will be able to put this in the past.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Old School Dan Of the day

This is me
I am playing with Picasa and I just wanted to test the blog this feature. This is me, 8 years ago
Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 1, 2010

Robb of the Day - March 1st 2010

Got some new glasses. Some thicker black frames than the last pair. I also got another pair that are blue, but for now, I'm muggin with the black frames.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dan stars in shaved and ready

I got a haircut yesterday. I was in dire need of one. Now I am fixed. I was going to take a picture last night but I was way too tired and naked. Hope everyone is kicking ass and taking names in 2010.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Danimal of the day

Go bears.

Fyi that is a stained under shirt, and I am not wearing pants... the more you know. Doo doo doo

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Facebook Invites

OK, so I'll admit it, I play Mafia Wars on Facebook. It's lame, I'm the first to admit it, but it's something to do that doesn't involve me getting drunk and throwing myself down the stairs. In my quest to be the top dog on Mafia wars, I have in invited over 300 people to join my mafia that I will never meet and they live all over the world. This ends up with me getting invites to games even lamer then Mafia Wars like Castle Age and Vampire wars. There's this one asshole who continues to invite me to the dumbest Facebook cause ever. "Stop facebook from becoming a paysite".

Dear Retard,

Thank you for considering me for your Facebook cause. Unfortunately, I must politely decline. Facebook is projected to make over $500 million dollars in 2009. I'm not an accountant or a math major, but $500 million is approximately $500 million more than you will ever see in your life. Facebook makes it's money off of advertising revenue, see those cute little pictures off to the right and left that say "singles in your area"? They don't live by you and they'll never fuck you. But every time you look at that ad or click on it Facebook gets paid. When you're pathetic enough to pay a website to not get laid, Facebook gets paid even more. So as long as you continue to be lame and try to "whack the mole" on the right hand side. Attempt to buy timeshare vacation properties in sunny Gary, Indiana. Facebook will continue to be a free site. So you do your part by continuing to be lame, and I'll do mine by playing lame Mafia wars and inviting more pathetic people to be my friends.

Your favorite Mafia Wars Associate,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Robb of the Day - Nov. 12, 2009

Brand whoring a little bit for the people that keep me in lattes.

Not a lot to talk about tonight, just felt like throwing a pic up.